Terms and Conditions

  • In order to be considered for entry in the Prize, all entries must be received before 23:59 London Time on the 31st of May this year.
  • Entry is open to writers in the English language worldwide, regardless of the author’s country of residence.
  • Entry is open to unpublished or independently published/self-published novelists only. Self-published/independently published means the author owns the rights to the work in full.
  • Both represented and unrepresented novelists are welcome to enter the Prize.
  • All submitted manuscripts must contain the author’s contact details and the synopsis within the same document.
  • Entries are accepted digitally only, at www.firstnovel.co.uk. Postal entries of independently published volumes are no longer accepted, however extracts of up of 5,000 words from independently published novels are welcome to be entered digitally in manuscript form.
  • All submitted manuscripts must have a cover page with the entrant’s name and email/telephone number.
  • Up to 5,000 words will be accepted, including the title, synopsis and the entrant’s contact details.
  • Entrants must be satisfied that their entry is final; there will be no later opportunity to submit a different version.
  • All adult fiction genres are welcome, no other genres will be accepted for entry.
  • Submitted manuscripts should be double-spaced on A4 layout, with pages numbered, the entrant’s name and the title of the novel on every page.
  • The novel should be the entrant’s original work.
  • Novels should be written in English originally, no translations will be accepted for entry.
  • Entrants may enter more than one novel. Only one novel will be accepted per entry.
  • Each entry will be judged in the context of the cohort of entries for the relevant year in which it was received. As such, previously entered novels are welcome to enter the current and future editions of the Prize.
  • Winners will be contacted no later than the 31st of August this year, using the contact details on the entry.
  • By submitting their manuscript, entrants are agreeing for the Literary Studio Ltd to keep a record of their e-mail address for marketing purposes only. This information will only be used by the Literary Studio Ltd and will not be shared with any third parties. A copy of the Literary Studio’s Privacy Policy. Entrants can opt out of all communication at any time.
  • Entrants must not be related to the Literary Studio Ltd through employment or sub-contracting arrangements, however current and previous clients of the company are welcome to enter the Prize.
  • The entry fee is £25, unless offered for free. 
  • A minimum of one hundred sponsored places are available to entrants on a low income in each edition of the Prize. More details here
  • Entrants and members of the general public are welcome to sponsor additional free places for low-income writers. Payments for sponsored places are non-refundable. More details here.
  • Free places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis. 
  • There are a total of two prizes in each edition of the Prize, awarded on merit as decided by the judges. The First Prize has a value of £1,000. One other shortlisted entry will receive the Shortlist Prize in the value of £500.
  • Winners must be able to make themselves available for marketing purposes by providing a photo and written response.
  • Copyright in any submitted manuscript remains with the author and The Literary Studio Ltd will never publicly quote extracts from unpublished works.